Tag Archives: Worst Passwords

25 worst passwords of 2012

It is surprising that in today’s world we still have people using such weak passwords.  Glance over the list and if you have a similar password we strongly recommend that you go change them now.  One of the scariest parts is seeing welcome on the list, as that is often a default password setup when the account is generated.  Here is a LINK to an article on TIME Tech, How to create strong online passwords.  Make sure you do everything you can to protect your personal data.

Here’s the full list:

1. password

2, 123456

3. 12345678

4. abc123

5. qwerty

6. monkey

7. letmein

8. dragon

9. 111111

10. baseball

11. iloveyou

12. trustno1

13. 1234567

14. sunshine

15. master

16. 123123

17. welcome

18. shadow

19. ashley

20. football

21. jesus

22. michael

23. ninja

24. mustang

25. password1


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Posted by on October 31, 2012 in IT News


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